Today was another outside run, and it went really well. I've definitely been converted from a treadmill girl to a pavement girl! I haven't quite figured out a route yet, so I just run away from home for half the time and then turn around and come back halfway through. Works for now, I guess.
I spent some today planning out my workouts, which is something I really like to do. Actually following those plans is a lot more difficult, but I love to make them! I mixed together running using the couch to 5k program (And the amazing podcasts from Suz!), strength training, and classes from the gym. I'm going to try to make it to pilates and yoga, as well as Zumba and eventually I'm going to get myself to a Hoopnotica class! Yesterday was a fail, but I did do something else really cool!

Could it be?

YES! More tie-dye!

I'm sorry, I can't help it.

I've become addicted. Someone take the white t-shirts and dye away from me - fast! Ms. Sugar and Spice asked for some tips and my number one suggestion is to use this kit! I got mine at Michaels, and it works incredibly well! It's one of the easiest kits I've used. Make sure to follow the directions exactly, and don't use the shirts that come pretreated to resist stains. Also, make sure they're 100% cotton or the dye won't react correctly. Oh and make sure you wear gloves! This stuff stains (obviously)! I usually cover our kitchen island with a giant trash bag and I make sure to have paper towels handy. You might be better doing it outside, just in case.
Now I just have to figure out what to do with all of these shirts! Have a good Friday!
Ohhh la la!!!
I love it!!! I haven't tie-dyed in years, I think the last time was when I was still in grade school. Now you're making me wanna DIY a maxi dress, hehehhe.
Great JOB!
Love this! Stopping by from SITS, I'll def be back :)
Thanks! I remember tie-dying for my elementary school graduation party! We did it outside and made such a mess, I was stained red and blue for the longest time. And a maxi dress would be so adorable! I saw a few white ones at Target...might have to try that myself!
@Nerdy Jess
Thanks! Love your blog too. :)
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