Freak flag? Totally waving it right now!

I don't know about anyone else, but I love seeing how people organize things in their homes. I especially love seeing the clever ways people come up with to keep track of all of their beauty supplies! I don't have, or honestly even wear, that much make-up, but I do have a collection of a different kind.

As you're probably gathered by now, I have quite the collection of nail care items. Most of them are polishes, but I also have my fair share of treatments, top coats, decals, and manicure tools.

I sort of fell into the world of nail polish when I was really little and my mom gave me her shoebox of old polishes. Since then I've been building my own collection. Last year I kept everything in stackable storage containers from the Container Store, which worked really well. Over the summer I actually ran out of room, so I moved on to the big leagues:


an IKEA Helmer. Ohhh yes.


An entire filing cabinet IS necessary. I'd heard of other girls on the MUA boards discussing these, and I decided it was time to get serious. Okay, and I thought it was really cute.

Top drawer! Greens, blues, purples, golds, yellows...pretty much anything that isn't pink or red.

My favorite drawer. Reds, oranges, and pinks. You've probably been wondering what's up with the writing on the lids. No? Too bad, you're hearing about it anyway.

This drawer, which is always a mess, has not only my topcoats, tools and lotions, but also the difference between normal and obsessive. Yeah, I have swatches on color wheels of each color. And yes, there's also a matching spreadsheet. Mmhhm, this is totally not normal. Want to take it one step further?

The Franken-drawer! Full of tons of different glitters and random polishes for those times I feel like being a mad scientist.

And there you have it! Yours truly is a walking, talking nail salon. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to redo my pedicure.


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