It's that time of year again.

Photo by: amyboemig


And with fall comes football season, Pumpkin Spice Lattes at Starbucks, and the start of school! Everyone I know has been back to school since the end of August, but here in Washington they do things a little differently. This Tuesday is FINALLY my first day of classes. Things are picking up and free time will soon become a thing of the past. I can't wait!

So here's a glimpse of things on a large scale (broken down by quarters):
Fall 2009 - School
Winter 2009 - School
Spring 2010 - School
Summer 2010 - Los Angeles - Internship & USC summer film program
Fall 2010 - Study abroad in Italy
Winter 2010 - Independent Contract (New Orleans)
Spring 2011 - Independent Contract (New Orleans) Graduate!
Summer 2011 - Home sweet home in LA!

Looks pretty chill, right? Not too bad!

Well here's the (partial) to-do list that goes along with that:

Academic year 2009-2010 - Draft contract for Winter 2010/Spring 2011 (because you'll be abroad for Fall of 2010)
Fall 2009 - Apply for USC
Winter 2009 - Apply for Academy of Arts & Sciences internship in LA
Spring 2010 - Apply for other internships, find summer housing, apply for study abroad, finish draft and find sponsor for contract
Summer 2010 - Prepare for study abroad, finalize contract for Winter/Spring quarters, arrange job/internship for Winter/Spring in New Orleans
Fall 2010 - Studying abroad
Winter 2010 - Finalize contract, housing, internship/job, etc. before you leave, then begin independent/internship learning contract in New Orleans!
Spring 2011 - Researching/writing in New Orleans. Make sure things (credits!) are lined up for graduation, job search for summer, prepare for move to LA.
Summer 2011 - Find housing, finalize job, and move to Los Angeles!

And of course there's what's happening right now with classes starting on Tuesday, working, and of course the millions of clubs and volunteering things I've committed myself too. Hip Hop Congress and Girl Scouts, anyone? I'm still working on finding somewhere to tutor elementary school kids, and I'd love to try out the gym on campus...and somehow stay healthy on top of everything else!

What can I say, I'm definitely working to get involved on campus and in the community. I think that's more important than ever, especially as a transfer student. I volunteered on Friday and met some of the most awesome people, and learned how to wield a giant pick axe! Life skills, people.

So...things are getting crazy! I'm so glad things have begun to pick up though, I felt like I was spinning my wheels for a while during summer and not accomplishing much.

This mini update has gotten way long, so I'm going to end things here. I could go on and on about my plans for the future, but that's pointless unless I go out and act on them! I am definitely excited to report back with what I've been working on for my ILC (independent learning contract), especially because I feel like putting it out there will really help get my wheels turning.

I hope you all had an awesome Saturday watching football (Go Trojans!), enjoying your lattes, or whatever you did today!


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