C25K - Week 4, Day 1

Yesterday was day one of week four! I didn't manage to squeeze in a run during our retreat, so I ended up going yesterday in the pouring rain. I didn't mind the rain at all, but I do need to remember to wear a hat so I can see. I was nervous about attempting to run for five minutes, but it really wasn't terrible. I think that goes to show just how much of running can be mental!

I've been reading the book 50/50 by Dean Karnazes the crazy ultrarunner who decided to run 50 marathons in 50 days. It's really an amazing story and he spends a lot of time talking about not only the marathons he ran during the Endurance 50, but general tips for running and staying healthy. I've heard his first book, Ultramarathon Man, is much better, but I'm really enjoying this one. As of right now I'm not planning on running a marathon at all, but I have decided that I'd like to run a half marathon one day. There are a few in California that I think sound really awesome (Disney Princess Half, anyone?) and since I know I won't be there for a year or so that gives me lots of time to try some 5ks and 10ks to see how I feel about running. And of course I'm loving making spreadsheets and researching everything and all of the awesome gadgets. I think I might really like this!

I'm feeling a little off today, almost like I have a teeny tiny cold. I really can NOT get sick, because I have a super busy week coming up! We're about to enter the 5th week of the quarter, which means we have a midterm quiz, a huge project due, evaluation conferences, and we're starting our group projects! I can't even begin to list what I've got going on outside of class. How did I get so busy?

What are your favorite ways to ward off a cold? I'm currently reading through Gala Darling's article on getting well, but I'd like to avoid getting sick in the first place!


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