So I just realized something's the six month anniversary of Sweet California!
I read recently in an article on ProBlogger that the majority of blogs don't make it to their six month birthday, so I guess I'm one of the few!
A lot of things have happened in the last six months, and I have a lot of really great things planned for my life the future, too!
Goals for my blog in the next six months:
- More nail polish posts. I love reading polish blogs, and I'm sure that niche is becoming oversaturated, but it's such a fun topic! Plus, I have way more polish than I know what to do with at this point.
- Increase my level of writing. I enjoy writing and I'd like to work on it more in the future. The last time I've actually sat down and written for fun was years ago, so I'd like this to become a fun project for me.
- Work consistently.
- Decide what I want to focus on, and how I'd like to do that. Will it involve a separate blog of its own? Will I just narrow down on my focus here? Lots to think about.
- Make it pretty! I never use enough pretty pictures in my posts, and I'd like to learn more about photography on my own.
- Connect with others. Blogging shouldn't be a solitary thing, and I know you can make some really meaningful connections with people through both written posts and the comment sections.
- Keep it fun! 'Nuff said.
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